
Hidlo erthyglau newyddion:

Cronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin y DU
Cynllun grant cyfalaf trydydd sector Cerbydau Trydan (Teithio Llesol). Bydd y gronfa’n cefnogi prosiectau i ddatblygu capasiti mudiadau’r trydydd sector i ddarparu opsiynau trafnidiaeth carbon isel – beiciau, ecars, eMPVs...
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Rhifedd 2
Mae ‘Rhifedd 2 – Gwneud Gwahaniaeth ym Mhowys’ yn gynllun grant PAVO sy’n gweinyddu £150,000 mewn ‘cyllid lluosog’. Ariennir y prosiect gan Lywodraeth y DU drwy Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin y...
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Your charity’s purposes
The activities of your charity must help deliver your charity’s purposes. Your charity’s funds can only be spent in delivery of these.  Take a look at this video which gives...
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PAVO is a membership organisation. Membership is open to all third sector organisations and groups and Town and Community Councils in Powys, all working to meet the needs of people and communities across Powys. We have over 730-member organisations and regular contact with over 1500 organisations.