
Hidlo erthyglau newyddion:

An opportunity to help shape the provision of third sector services in Powys Please join us at PAVO Offices in Llandrindod on Wednesday 30th October at 2pm There is also...
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Wythnos Diogelu Cenedlaethol 2024
Yn unol â thema ranbarthol eleni, sef Cymorth Iawn ar yr Amser Cywir, bydd Awdurdod Lleol Ceredigion yn cynnal cynhadledd wyneb yn wyneb ar Dydd Iau 14eg Tachwedd o 10.00am tan 4.00pm (cofrestru...
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PAVO Trustee Nominations COME ON BOARD!
Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations (PAVO) is inviting nominations from individuals who wish to stand for election to its Board of Trustees at the AGM on Thursday 7 November 2024....
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GWAHODDIAD –  CYNHADLEDD FLYNYDDOL A CHYFARFOD CYFFREDINOL Dydd Iau 7 Tachwedd 2024, 10.00–4.00pm “Gwerth y Trydydd Sector ym Mhowys” Canolfan Gynadledda Cefn Lea, Dolfor, Y Drenewydd, Powys SY16 4AJ Mae’n bleser...
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Helpwch i lunio dyfodol eich Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub
Mae Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru yn gwasanaethu bron 12,000 cilomedr sgwâr – bron i ddwy ran o dair o Gymru. Mae’r Gwasanaeth yn gyfrifol am ddarparu...
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Cynllun Grant dan Arweiniad Pobl Ifanc 2024/25
Mae ceisiadau nawr ar agor. Am fwy o wybodaeth cliciwch yma:
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Mae Gwobrau Cymunedau Diogelach Cymru 2024 nawr ar agor ar gyfer enwebiadau
Ledled Cymru, mae Partneriaethau Diogelwch Cymunedol a phartneriaid eraill yn gweithio’n unigol a gyda’i gilydd fel bod pawb yng Nghymru yn teimlo’n ddiogel ac yn rhydd rhag ofn camfanteisio, trosedd...
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The Shared Prosperity Fund – Rebuilding Community Foundations in Powys Project 2024 Funded Projects
The Shared Prosperity Fund – Rebuilding Community Foundations in Powys Project 2024 saw a large number of applications.  and the panel successfully awarded the entirety of the £1,231,999.00 fund.  Each...
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Disability Confident Scheme And How It Can Benefit Your Business
On the 10th October 2024, Legacy in the Community, in partnership with Merthyr Jobcentre Plus and DWP, will be co-hosting an event at Merthyr College aimed at promoting and encouraging participation...
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Numeracy 3 – Making a Difference in Powys
Mae Rhifedd 3 – Gwneud Gwahaniaeth ym Mhowys yn gynllun grant y mae PAVO yn ei weinyddu. Mae’n rhan o’r £150,000 mewn ‘cyllid lluosog’ sydd hefyd yn ariannu cynllun grant...
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Record-breaking £1.3m awarded to Powys communities in six-month period
We are celebrating a significant milestone after distributing a record £1,342,581.06 to community groups across the county in the first half of 2024. This marks the largest six-month funding total...
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Gwahoddiad i’n digwyddiad Croeso nesaf yn Aberhonddu
Cynhelir ein digwyddiad Croeso nesaf mewn partneriaeth â Chymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Powys (PAVO), a bydd yn dod ag ymddiriedolwyr a staff Sefydliad Cymunedol Cymru ynghyd, grwpiau cymunedol lleol, elusennau, cyllidwyr,...
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Ready to join?

PAVO is a membership organisation. Membership is open to all third sector organisations and groups and Town and Community Councils in Powys, all working to meet the needs of people and communities across Powys. We have over 730-member organisations and regular contact with over 1500 organisations.