Start Well Partnership (Children & Young People)
PAVO supports Third Sector organisations working with children, young people and families through the work of its Health, Wellbeing & Partnerships team, the Development team, the Powys Volunteering Centre and through providing training opportunities.
Health, Wellbeing & Partnerships
PAVO’s Health, Wellbeing & Partnership team aim to
- Listen to your concerns and queries about the services, groups and activities that are available to your family and to raise these with statutory organisations, including Powys Teaching Health Board and Powys County Council to try to answer and resolve your issues.
- To give you a voice and be part of the work to develop the services that your family use.
We aim to support the organisations that work with children and families in Powys by acting as a conduit of information from the third sector; and the children and families the sector works with, into the work of the Startwell Board and its workstreams under the Regional Partnership Board. To include regularly updates for the sector, by email and e-bulletins about the news from Startwell and other relevant sources.
Further Support
PAVO staff can also support third sector organisations working with children and young people in the following ways:
- Community Connectors can support parents, and anyone over the age of 18, to find the support groups and activities they are looking for. Contact the Community Connectors across Powys by ringing one central number- 01597 828 649. Email: community.connectors(at)
- Powys Volunteering Centre can help all organisations and community groups to recruit and manage volunteers, and can assist them to advertise their opportunities on the Volunteering Wales website. Ring 01597 822 191 for more information, or visit the website on Email: volunteering(at)
- The PAVO Development team can assist organisations working with children and young people by advising on governance, looking for funding and providing training. Ring 01597 822 191 for support or email: info(at)
- The Powys Assist helpline can provide information and support on their helpline 0345 602 7050. This is Powys County Council’s Adult Social Care Information Service.
Young people, if you need immediate help ring Childline on 0800 1111 or find out more on the Childline website- .
If it is an emergency, ring 999.
For more information please contact
Sharon Healey – Head of Health, Wellbeing and Partnership
01597 822 191