Mental Health Partnership (Live Well)

The Mental Health Partnership (also known as ‘Mental Health Planning and Development Partnership’) is a sub-partnership of the Regional Partnership Board.



The Mental Health Partnership is responsible for taking forward the Regional Partnership Board’s work as part of the ‘Live Well’ agenda set out in Powys’ Health and Care Strategy to strengthen and transform mental health and wellbeing services, but also in ensuring services develop in order to meet the requirements wider mental health legislation .

The Partnership operates a number of subsidiary partnership groups, particularly to engage with and hear the voice of service users and their carers, and also to engage with Third sector providers of mental health services. PAVO is responsible for supporting individuals and organisations to participate in these groups.


  • Powys County Council
  • Powys Teaching Health Board
  • Powys Public Health Team
  • PAVO
  • Service user and carer representatives (supported in their role by PAVO)

PAVO/Third Sector Representation:

John Williams – PAVO Senior Officer Information, Participation & Engagement

Alice Dolan  – PAVO Mental Health Participation Officer also attends the Partnership’s meetings in support of the service user and carer representative members of the Partnership.

Meeting Schedule: Quarterly