Time To Talk Public Health

Time to Talk Public Health: August 2024 Survey Findings
Time to Talk Public Health is a nationally representative panel of residents across Wales established by Public Health Wales to enable regular public engagement to inform public health policy and practice. The August survey had a focus on health protection with the public being asked about: Cardiovascular health, Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service, travelling to health appointments, healthy weight, mealtimes and vaccines.
Our latest TTPH report published today, with findings from 1,481 panel members, can be found here (opens in new window).
Key findings include:
- Out of a list of nine risk factors for cardiovascular disease, the two least known were having diabetes and having an abnormal heart rate. Around 3 in 4 people reported knowing these risk factors (diabetes 75%, abnormal heart rhythm 78%).
- Out of a list of 11 reasons that might stop people taking action to achieve or maintain a healthy weight, the top five reasons selected were:
- Too many temptations (29%)
- Not in the right frame of mind to start (27%)
- Their health (20%)
- Not enough time (19%)
- Their job (17%)
- 26% of people said they would find it difficult to travel to a hospital appointment, and 8% said they would find it difficult to travel to a GP appointment.
- Participants were asked about the main meals they had eaten in the past week. On at least one day in the past week:
- 94% had eaten a main meal from scratch at home
- 48% had eaten at a café or restaurant
- 42% had eaten a ready meal
- 41% had eaten a takeaway
- When asked how much of a risk COVID-19 is nowadays in terms of people becoming seriously ill, 10% thought it was a large risk, 43% a moderate risk, 42% a small risk and 5% no risk at all.
To learn more about Time to Talk Public Health, visit the project webpage (opens in new window).
Please do not hesitate to contact the project lead Dr Catherine Sharp if you would like further information.