Capital and revenue grants, generally for between £1,000 and £5,000, are available to UK registered charities working in the UK in the areas of Quaker work and witness peace and reconciliation, environmental action and sustainability, and social action.
o Application deadline: none – applications may be made at any time, initially by completing the Eligibility Checker on the Trust’s website.
o Funder: The W F Southall Trust (founded 1937. Charity number 218371. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 5 April 2023: £315,501 (2022: £411,948)).
o Who can apply: UK registered charities working in the UK. Towards the end of 2023, the Trust reviewed its overseas grant-making and, as a result, no longer accepts applications for work or projects delivered outside of the UK.
o Key words: Quaker Work and Witness, Peace and Reconciliation, Environmental Action and Sustainability, Social Action, United Kingdom.
The W F Southall Trust is a Dorset-based grant-making charity that was founded almost 90 years ago. The Trust endeavours to support smaller charities where their help is more meaningful and especially when a trustee has detailed knowledge of the charity concerned.
The Trust, which has its roots in the Quaker movement, supports UK registered charities working in the UK in the following fields:
o Quaker Work and Witness.
o Peace and Reconciliation.
o Environmental Action and Sustainability, and
o Social Action.
The Trust also launched a new venture in 2022/23 called the Wilfred Southall Sustainability Award for students who have demonstrated exceptional work in areas aligned with the Southall Trust’s category areas. The Trust began trialling this award in partnership with Bath Spa University and hopes to extend it to other academic institutions in the years ahead. Further information is available on the Trust’s website.
The Trust makes capital and revenue grants for between £1,000 and £5,000. These are normally on a one-off basis, although occasionally multi-year grants are awarded. The Trust likes to see that applicants have sought and secured some matched funding towards their proposal.
During the year ended 5 April 2023, the Trust awarded grants totalling £315,501 to 87 different organisations and charities. Awards were categorised as follows
o Quaker Work and Witness: £74,000 (2022: £68,500).
o Peace and Reconciliation: £26,250 (2022: £43,375).
o Environmental Action and Sustainability: £59,500 (2022: £39,790).
o Social Action: £153,751 (2022: £260,283).
o Southall Award (Bath Spa University): £2,000 (2022: £0)
The vast majority of awards made over the last 2 years are listed on pages 13-15 of the Trust’s annual accounts. Please note that ‘Environmental Action & Sustainability’ is emerging as one of the Trust’s primary grant categories. 20 grants totalling £59,500 were awarded in this category during the year, an increase from 13 grants totalling £39,790 in 2022.
Funding is not available for:
o Animal welfare charities.
o Charities that are national household names.
o Charities that do not have at least one set of annual accounts filed with a UK charity regulator.
o Charities that have not complied with Charity Commission regulations (for example, by submitting late annual returns).
o Charities with a high level of free reserves and/or no clear reserves policy.
o Charities with a primary focus not fitting within one of the Trust’s main categories.
o Charities with a typical annual income in excess of £1 million.
o Counselling services.
o Emergency appeals.
o Individuals, groups, families, or organisations that are not registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales, Charity Commission of Ireland or OSCR.
o Medical charities.
o Private schools.
o Retrospective funding, or
o Work or projects that are delivered outside of the UK.
To apply, UK registered charities should initially complete the Eligibility Checker on the Trust’s website. Charities that are eligible to apply can then progress to the full application stage.
Applications may be made at any time.