Grants of up to £15,000 (but averaging less than £3,000) are available for UK registered charities working in the areas of education, environmental regeneration, medical care and research, the performing arts and social welfare.

Application deadline none – applications may be made at any time in writing.
FunderThe Vandervell Foundation (founded 1968. Charity number 255651. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 31 December 2022: £320,500 (2021: £364,500)).
Who can applyUK registered charities.
Key wordsEducation, Environmental Regeneration, Medical Care, Medical Research, Performing Arts, Social Welfare, United Kingdom.

The Vandervell Foundation awards grants to institutions, primarily in the fields of education, social welfare, medical care and research, environmental regeneration and the performing arts. Most grants are made to UK charities working in the areas of medical care, medical research and social welfare.

During the year ended 31st December 2022, the Foundation awarded 112 grants totalling £320,000, representing an average grant of £2,857. Awards were categorised as follows:

Advancement of education: 5 grants totalling £29,500 (2021: 11 grants totalling £57,500).
Medical care and research: 43 grants totalling £116,000 (2021: 36 grants totalling £100,000).
Performing arts: 2 grants totalling £8,000 (2021: 4 grants totalling £39,000).
Environmental regeneration: 2 grants totalling £5,000 (2021: 1 grant totalling £3,000).
Social welfare: 60 grants totalling £162,000 (2021: 54 grants totalling £165,000).

The Foundation intends to maintain the same level of grant-making for the foreseeable future.

Please note that the Trust does not have a website. Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website.

All applications are considered individually by one of the directors and by the administrator of the Trustee. Grants are reviewed by the Board of the Trustee which meets every other month. The awarding of grants is based upon the Board’s assessment of the degree of need and the merit of the applicants’ request.

Applications may be made at any time in writing, addressed to:

Valerie Kaye
The Vandervell Foundation
Hampstead Town Hall Centre
213 Haverstock Hill