A small number of one-off grants are available to UK registered charities working in the areas of maritime heritage and archaeology, research, children and disability, poverty and medical care. The Trust has a particular interest in supporting maritime heritage and archaeology.
o Application deadline: none – applications may be made at any time in writing.
o Funder: The Scorpion Charitable Trust (founded 2002. Charity number 1094399. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 31 October 2023: £301,500 (2022: £77,500)).
o Who can apply: UK registered charities.
o Key words: Heritage, Maritime Archaeology, Sailing, Poverty, Medical care, Health, Arts, United Kingdom.
London-based grant-making charity, the Scorpion Charitable Trust’s grant-making policy is to review all written appeals received on a quarterly basis and to consider each appeal on its individual merits. Only successful applicants are notified of the Trust’s decision and any donations are made without any commitment to future funding. The Scorpion Trust has the same address for correspondence as the Hornby Lonsdale Charitable Trust (featured below) and at least one mutual trustee.
The Trust has a particular interest in funding maritime heritage and archaeology.
During the year ended 30 October 2023, the Trust made 5 grants totalling £301,500 (2022: 5 grants totalling £77,500).
Grants awarded were categorised as follows:
o Arts: £2,500 (2022: £0).
o Heritage & Archaeology: £49,000 (2022: £75,000).
o General charitable purposes £250,000 (2022: £0).
o Poverty: £0 (2022: £500), and
o Other: £0 (2022: £2,000).
A list of all grant recipients is provided on page 16 of the Trust’s annual accounts.
Please note that the Trust does not have a website. Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website.
Applications may be made at any time in writing. The Trust reviews all requests for grant support every 3 months.
Contact details for the Trust are:
The Trustees
The Scorpion Charitable Trust
The Rathbone Trust Company Limited
8 Finsbury Circus