Peter Harrison Foundation

Small Grants of up to £5,000 and Major Grants of between £5,001 and £30,000 are available to UK registered charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) for sports-based projects providing sport and physical activity opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people and/or people with a disability.

o Application deadlineTUESDAY 1st OCTOBER 2024.
o FunderThe Peter Harrison Foundation (founded 1999. Charity number 1076579. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 31 May 2023: £2,048,341 (2022: £1,362,836; 2021: £1,514,803; 2020: £1,992,812)).
o Who can applyUK registered charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs that have been registered with their appropriate regulatory body (for example, the Charity Commission for England and Wales) for at least 2 years.
Key wordsCapital, Revenue, Project Cost, Sport, Disability, Disadvantage, Developing Potential and Life Skills, Special Needs, Mental Health, United Kingdom.

The Peter Harrison Foundation operates two grant programmes, with most grants awarded through its Opportunities Through Sport Programme. The programmes are:

1. Opportunities Through Sport and Physical Activity – the Foundation supports sporting activities that provide opportunities for people who are disabled, or for disadvantaged children and young people to fulfil their potential and develop personal and life skills. Applications are accepted from registered charities across the United Kingdom.

2. Positive Futures for Children and Young People – applications are accepted from charities where the beneficiaries are children and young people with special needs in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Kent, Oxfordshire, Surrey; East Sussex and West Sussex.

The Foundation also operates a Discretionary Grants Programme.

The Trust will consider applications for capital, revenue or project funding and welcomes applications for physical activity initiatives that:

o Give a focus for skills development and confidence building through the medium of sport.
o Have a high degree of community involvement.
o Have a strong training and/or educational theme within the sporting activity.
o Help to engage children or young people at risk of crime, truancy or addiction, 
o Provide sporting equipment or facilities for disabled or disadvantaged people.

Charities that have been registered with the relevant regulatory body in their area for at least 2 years (for example, the Charity Commission for England and Wales, the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator or the Charity Commission for England and Wales) may apply. Applications are not normally considered from local branches of national charities unless they are separately constituted.

Opportunities Through Sport offers the following funding:

1. Small grants of up to £5,000 (for organisations with a turnover of up to £500,000), and
2. Major grants of between £5,001 to £30,000.

Grants, which can be awarded for a single year or over several years, can also be for significant amounts (for instance, Loughborough University was awarded £100,000 in 2021 and has received up to £200,000 in previous years). There is no specific requirement for matched funding.

During the year ended 31st May 2023, the Foundation awarded grants totalling £2,048,341.

A list of all awards of over £20,000 is provided on pages 3 and 4 of the Foundation’s Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year. A list of recent grants awarded is also available on the Foundation’s website.

Funding is not available for:

o Activities that are primarily the responsibility of central or local government.
o Adventure Challenges or expeditions in the UK or abroad.
o Exempt charities.
o Individuals.
o Overseas projects.
o Projects that are solely for the promotion of religion, 
o Requests for retrospective funding.

To apply, eligible organisations are advised to follow the guidance on the Foundation’s website.

Applications may be made at any time and are considered every three months. The next deadline for applications is on Tuesday 1st October 2024.