Grants of up to £25,000 are available to UK registered charities working in the UK and/or overseas, with a particular emphasis on supporting funding green initiatives that are working towards a sustainable future, and peace and security that are seeking to reduce international conflict including by the eventual elimination of nuclear weapons.
o Application deadline: none – applications may be made at any time in writing.
o Funder: The Marmot Charitable Trust (founded 2004. Charity number 1106619. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 5 April 2023: £368,464 (2022: £326,750)).
o Who can apply: UK registered charities working in the UK and/or overseas.
o Key words: Environmental Sustainability, Peace and Security, Reducing International Conflict, Overseas, United Kingdom.
While the charitable objects of the Marmot Charitable Trust are to make grants for general charitable purposes at the discretion of its trustees, it places a strong emphasis on funding green initiatives that are working towards a sustainable future, as well as peace and security actions that seek to reduce international conflict including by the eventual elimination of nuclear weapons.
The Trust, which is a member of the Association of Charitable Foundations and the Environmental Funders Network, has decided to spend out over the next 2-3 years with a view to ending its grant-making.
During the year ended 5 April 2023, the Trust awarded 29 grants totalling £368,464 (2022: £326,750). Awards ranged from £250 to £25,000 (to several charities) with an average grant size of approximately £12,706.
Grants made were categorised against the following headings:
o Environmental Sustainability: £247,300.
o Peace and Security: £90,414, and
o Other: £30,750.
All grant recipients are listed on pages 10 and 11 of the Trust’s annual accounts. Grants made appear to indicate a preference for charitable organisations with a national or international reach rather than for local causes.
Please note that the trust does not have a website. Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website.
The Trustees meet twice annually in order to review policy and governance issues, also to make decisions about grants. Where appropriate fast track decisions on a number of grant applications are made between meetings.
Applications may be made at any time in writing, addressed to:
Bevis Gillett
The Marmot Charitable Trust
BM Marmot