Grants, generally for up to £5,000, are available to UK registered charities working in the UK and/or overseas to protect animal health and welfare.
o Application deadline: the Trust has an annual application deadline. The 2024 deadline is on MONDAY 30th SEPTEMBER 2024. Applications should be made in September by email.
o Funder: The Marjorie Coote Animal Charity Trust (founded 1954. Charity number 208493. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 5 April 2023: £149,900 (2022: £139,560; 2021: £112,150)).
o Who can apply: UK registered charities working in the UK and/or overseas.
o Key words: Animal Welfare, Animal Health, Protection of Horses, Protection of Dogs and Other Animals, Protection of Birds, Overseas, United Kingdom.
The Marjorie Coote Animal Charity Trust is a registered charity whose main purpose is the protection of horses, dogs, birds and other animals.
The policy of the Trust is to focus on research into animal health and on the protection of species, while continuing to support general animal welfare, including sanctuaries, in the United Kingdom and overseas. The Trust provides ongoing support, subject to an annual review, and also “one off” grants to organisations requiring funds for specific projects.
During the year ended 5th April 2023, the Trust provided ongoing financial support totalling £61,900 to 15 organisations (2022: £49,900 to 13 organisations; £64,500 to 18 organisations) and 39 one-off grants totalling £88,000 (2022: 47 one-off grants totalling £89,660; 2021: 43 one-off grants totalling £47,650).
A full list of regular and one-off grants is provided on pages 13-15 of the Trust’s annual accounts.
Applications are not accepted from individuals.
Further information, guidance and details about how to apply are available on the Trust’s website. Details about the James Neill Trust Fund, the Marjorie Coote Old People’s Charity Fund and the Hugh Neil Charity, all grant-making charities with a focus on South Yorkshire, are also available at the same link.
Ideally, applications should be sent by email during the month of September in order to
reach the Trust by 30th September so that they can be considered for grant support during October or November. The next application deadline is on Monday 30th September 2024. A decision on applications that arrive after the end of September is normally deferred until the following autumn.