The Foundation makes grants of various sizes to UK registered and exempt charities working in the UK and overseas in the areas of social welfare and care, education, medical research and religion.

Application deadlinenone – applications may be made at any time in writing.
FunderThe Jane Hodge Foundation (founded 1962. Charity number 216053. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 30 September 2023: £1,744,212 (2022: £5,974,588)).
Who can applyUK registered charities working in the UK and/or overseas, including exempt charities (for example, educational institutions).
Key words: Care, Social Welfare, Disadvantaged and Vulnerable, Elderly, Homeless, Disabled, Special Needs, Mental Health, Education, Arts Education Projects, Hospices, Medical Research, Cancer, Poliomyelitis, Tuberculosis, Diseases Affecting Children, Religion, Overseas, United Kingdom.

The Jane Hodge Foundation, also known as the Hodge Foundation (although it’s still listed as the Jane Hodge Foundation with the Charity Commission), awards grants of various sizes to UK registered charities and exempt charities working in the following fields:

Care and Social Welfare – the Foundation supports charities working with people who may be vulnerable or disadvantaged and who need assistance to improve their lives. This includes a variety of causes and groups including the elderly, homeless, disabled, special needs and those with mental health issues.
The Advancement of Education – the Foundation provides grant support for education and learning, both within formal school settings and practical approaches to learning which support young people to fulfil their potential and thrive including those with special needs. The Foundation continues to support arts projects for education that encourage and inspire audiences across the UK and bring a range of benefits to people of all ages and backgrounds.
The General Advancement of Medical and Surgical Science – the Foundation supports medical related charities specialising in the treatment and support for specific illnesses and research. Its main focus has been on local hospices, children’s care and university-based research in the fields of cancer and mental health. In particular, the study and research in connection with the causes, diagnosis, treatment and cure of cancer, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis and diseases affecting children, and
The Advancement of Religion – the Foundation supports projects such as facilities in church buildings and inclusive activities for the wider community. In general, very few grants are made in this area.

During the year ended 30th September 2023, the Foundation awarded 42 grants totalling £1,744,212, representing an average grant of £41,528 (2022: 78 grants totalling £5,974,588, representing an average grant of £76,597).

Awards made during the year were categorised as follows:

o Care and Welfare: 21 grants totalling £1,158,992 (2022: 38 grants totalling £662,242).
o Education: 11 grants totalling £231,858 
(2022: 20 grants totalling £5,086,928).
o Medical Research: 10 grants totalling £353,362 
(2022: 17 grants totalling £263,685).
o Other: 0 grants 
(2022: 3 grants totalling £2,233).

Details of a number of recently awarded grants can be found on the Foundation’s website.

The Trust does not have an application form. Applications should be made by email (the Foundation no longer accepts applications by post), addressed to Applications should consist of a short submission, which should be no longer than 3 pages, that follow the guidance on the Foundation’s website.

Applications may be made at any time and are considered every 3 months by trustees.

Contact details for the Trust are:

The Jane Hodge Foundation
One Central Square
CF10 1FS