Revenue grants averaging £5,000 are available to UK registered charities that are providing opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people aged 25 and under to help them to fulfil their potential.

Application deadlineSUNDAY 15th DECEMBER 2024.  
o FunderThe Ironmongers’ Trust Company (also known as the Sir Robert Geffrey’s Almshouse Trust) (founded 2012. Charity number 219153. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 31 March 2023: £627,305 (2022: £602,844; 2021: £617,440)).
o Who can applyUK registered charities.
o Key wordsDisadvantaged Children and Young People Aged 25 and Under, Skills Development, Capacity Building, Education, Learning, Motivation, United Kingdom.

The Ironmongers’ Trust Company supports projects that provide opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people aged 25 and under from across the UK that will help them to fulfil their potential.

Projects should meet the following priorities:

o Be for children and young people under the age of 25 who are disadvantaged.
o Be within the UK.
o Consist of educational activities that develop learning, motivation and skills, 
o Have clear aims and objectives to be met within a planned timescale.

The Ironmongers’ Company is particularly interested in supporting projects that deliver clearly defined educational benefits and develop motivation, learning and skills development to a specific group of children or young people aged 25 and under.

Grants of up to £10,000 are available for projects that can demonstrate that they can have a significant impact on the lives of young people. Projects that pilot new approaches where the learning outcomes will be shared with a wider audience are particularly welcomed.

The majority of awards are for under £5,000. Equipment can be funded where this relates to specific project activities (applicants will be required to justify spending on items of equipment). Grants should be spent within a year of confirmation of the award.

During the year ended 31st March 2023, the Sir Robert Geffrey’s Almshouses Trust (this is an amalgamation of 5 grant-making Trusts, including the Ironmongers’ Trust Company) awarded grants totalling £627,305 (2022: £602,844; 2021: £617,440).

Details of all awards made during the year are provided on pages 31-34 of the Trust’s annual accounts.

Funding is not available for:

o Building work.
o Bursaries.
o Course fees for professionals.
o Fundraising events and sponsorship.
o General appeals or circulars.
o General running costs. (A reasonable proportion of overheads will be accepted as part of project costs.).
o Holidays.
o Large projects towards which a contribution from the Company would have limited impact.
o Medical treatment, healthcare, counselling and therapy.
o Projects that begin before the date of the relevant Committee meeting.
o Replacement of statutory funds.
o Research projects,
o Schools, unless a registered charity for children/young people with disabilities.

The Company operates two application deadlines each year, on:

o 31st July,
o 15th December.

The next deadline for applications is therefore Sunday 15th December 2024Applications must be made by post as emailed applications are not accepted by the Company.

Further information, guidance and an application form can be found on the Company’s website. Please note that, as well as completing an application form, charities are required to provide the following information separately in an accompanying document:

o A detailed description of the project and the activities that will take place.
o A full breakdown of the costs involved, explaining how the figures have been calculated.
o How the need for the work has been identified and why the project is the best way to address this.
o The aims and objectives of the organisation.
o The anticipated outcomes and the methods by which the success of the project will be evaluated, 
o The charity’s most recent accounts if they are not available on the website of Charity Commission (or appropriate regulatory body for Scotland or Northern Ireland).

Contact details for the Company are:

The Charities Manager
The Ironmongers’ Company
Ironmongers’ Hall
Tel: 020 7776 2311