One-off grants of between £250 and £3,000 are available to UK registered charities and voluntary groups for activities that promote, maintain, improve and advance the education of the public in the arts generally and, in particular, the fine arts and music.

Application deadlineprovisionally FRIDAY 2nd MAY 2025 (date to be confirmed on the Foundation’s website once the next application round opens on Saturday 1st March 2025).
o FunderThe Golsoncott Foundation (founded 1998. Charity number 1070885. Total grants awarded during the year ended 30 June 2024: £92,055 (2023: £82,000; 2022: £74,655; 2021: £63,113)).
o Who can apply: UK registered charities, charitable and voluntary organisations.
o Key wordsArts, including Performance Art, Exhibitions, Artistic Craft, Education, Children and Young People, United Kingdom.

Exeter, Devon-based grant-making charity the Golsoncott Foundation supports projects that demonstrate and deliver excellence in the arts. This can be in performance, exhibition, artistic craft, or scholarly endeavour.

Priority is given to applications that focus upon the perfection or promotion of the art in question. In addition, for those applications involving young people the trustees look to a long-lasting connection between them and the art form, one which aims at a significant level of participation and achievement, rather than projects that offer little scope for further involvement.

UK registered charities and voluntary organisations may apply for a one-off grant of between £250 and £3,000. The vast majority of awards are for between £500 and £1,000.

During the year ending 30th June 2024, the Foundation awarded 90 grants totalling £92,055 (2023: 79 grants totalling £82,000; 2022: 83 grants totalling £74,655).

A list of all awards made during the year can be found on pages 7-9 of the Foundation’s annual accounts.

Funding is not available for:

o Applications from individuals and students seeking funding for academic or vocational courses.
o Capital appeals from museums, galleries, theatres, arts complexes or other projects,
o Schools.

Further information, guidance and details about how to apply is available on the Foundation’s website.

The Foundation likes to receive applications by early February, May, August and November in advance of its March, June, September and December meetings.

The next application deadline has yet to be confirmed by the Foundation, but is likely to fall on Friday 2nd May 2025. The date will be published on the ‘Latest News’ page of the Foundation’s website once the programme opens.