Grants of between £2,000 and £10,000 are available to smaller UK registered charities operating at a grassroots community level with an annual income of under £150,000 for activities and projects that will have a significant and beneficial impact on local communities.

Application deadlineFRIDAY 31st JANUARY 2025. Please note that this is the final ever round of the Foundation’s Small Grants programme.
FunderThe Foyle Foundation (founded 2000. Charity number 1081766. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 31 December 2023: £20,299,724, of which £1,540,900 was awarded in Small Grants).
Who can applyUK charities with an annual turnover of under £150,000. The Foundation will prioritise charities working at a grassroots level within local communities.
Key wordsSmall Charities operating at a Grassroots Community Level, Children and Young People, Support for People who are Vulnerable, Marginalised and/or Disadvantaged, Elderly/Older People, Core Costs, Provision of Ongoing or Digital Services Equipment, Building Costs, United Kingdom.

The Foyle Foundation will complete its grant giving programme in 2025, marking 25 years of giving to the fields of the Arts, Learning, Community Small Grants, State Schools Libraries and formerly Health. The current round of the Foundation’s Small Grants programme will be the final ever round of the scheme as it winds up its grant-making activities.

The Foundation’s Small Grants programme offers grants of between £2,000 and £10,000  to UK registered charities with an annual income of under £150,000 working at a grassroots level within local communities, particularly those that are providing services for:

o Children and young people.
o People who are vulnerable, marginalised and disadvantaged, and
o The elderly/older people.

Projects that support the general community will also be considered.

 Applicants will be expected to:

1. Evidence that their organisation is financially secure over the next 12 months, and
2. Demonstrate how a grant from the Foundation will make a significant impact on their work.

Grants, which must be spent within 12 months of an award, can be awarded for core costs or essential equipment, to enable ongoing service provision, building costs, or for the delivery of online digital services.

A list of all applicants that were awarded a Small Grant in 2023 is available on the Foundation’s website.

Funding is not available for:

o Charities that have significant unrestricted reserves.
o Charities that award grants.
o Feasibility studies.
o Individuals.
o Large or national charities with an annual income of over £150,000.
o Recently or newly established UK charities without a track record of providing services.
o Religious activity or activities that promote religion.
o Requests for building-related costs if the lease is for less than ten years.
o Retrospective costs,
o School PTAs/Friends of groups/school fundraising arms.

Further information, guidance and an online application form (where progress can be saved) is available on the Foundation’s website. Please note that charities will need to create an account on the Foundation’s website before they can access the application form.

The deadline for applications is Friday 31st January 2025.