Small grants of £2,000 are available to UK registered charities and not for profit organisations working in the areas of Hospices, Children and Young People, Support for the Elderly, People with a Disability, Medical Research and Community Projects. The Foundation may prioritise applications from smaller charities operating in the West Midlands.

Application deadlineTHURSDAY 31st OCTOBER 2024 (the Foundation opened its grant programme to applications on Thursday 1st August 2024).
o FunderThe Edgar E Lawley Foundation (founded 1961. Charity number 201589. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 5 April 2024: £200,000 (2023: £229,500; 2022: £231,000; 2021: £225,000)).
o Who can applyUK registered charities and not-for-profit organisations, with some preference given to smaller charities in the West Midlands.
o Key wordsSmaller Charitable Organisations, Hospices, Children and Young People. Support for the Elderly, People with a Disability, Medical Research, Community Projects, West Midlands, United Kingdom.

The Edgar E. Lawley Foundation uses the following six broad areas to categorise its grant-making:

1. Hospices.
2. Children and Young People.
3. Elderly.
4. Community.
5. Disabled, 
6. Medical, Research and other Miscellaneous projects.

All grants awarded during the year ended 5th April 2024 were for £2,000, an increase of £500 from the previous year when the maximum grant was £1,500. The Foundation’s preference is to award unrestricted grants to smaller charities and not-for-profit organisations in order to provide maximum flexibility to applicants in terms of determining how the grant can be best used.

The Foundation does not consider applications from individuals.

Further information, guidance and an online application form can be found on the Foundation’s website.

Funding for 2024/25 opened on Thursday 1st August 2024 with an application deadline of Thursday 31st October 2024Successful applicants are expected to be informed in January 2025.