Generally, a limited number of small grants are available to young people or groups of young people in the UK aged 11-18 to carry out community projects.
o Application deadline: none – applications may be made at any time using the relevant application form on the Foundation’s website.
o Funder: The Burns Price Foundation (founded 2015. Charity number 1161930. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 31 December 2023: £7,625 (2022: £17,200)).
o Who can apply: individual young people or groups of young people aged 11-18 across the UK.
o Key words: Young People aged 11-18, Community Projects, Skills and Personal Development, United Kingdom.
Although a modest grant-making charity, Somerset-based the Burns Price Foundation plays an important role in funding young people aged 11-18 across the UK to volunteer to undertake a project that will change for good not only the lives of those in the community where the project is located but also their own life too.
However, while the Foundation would like to continue its good work, it may be facing a situation where it will have to wind up its operations, as this extract from its 2023 Annual Report indicates:
“We are ever so grateful for the funding the Charity has received but respect the decision that once we have reached the amount originally offered by the Medlock Foundation that there will not be a renewal of grants. Applications dependent, it is likely that the Burns Price Foundation trustees will need to make a decision over the coming 12-18 months as to whether to pursue funding from elsewhere or consider winding down the Foundation. There have been some initial discussions amongst trustees on this matter, but no formal decision has been reached.”
Hopefully the Foundation can find the funding to continue, but applicants should therefore bear in mind that it may not be in a position to provide grant support going forward.
The aims of the Foundation are:
1. To help more young people with the skills and funds to complete community projects, and
2. Enable positive change and development within young people and communities in the UK.
Applicants should meet the following eligibility criteria:
o Be aged between 11 and 18 years.
o Enrolled in a UK school, college or youth group, and
o Have an idea for a project in the UK that will make your community a better place.
During the year ended 31st December 2023, the Foundation awarded 4 grants totalling £7,625 (2022: 7 grants totalling £17,200), as follows:
o Scott Sinclair + 7 peers from Stromness Academy, Orkney – second instalment of grant to maintain and repair sheep dykes on Orkney (£725).
o Paige Lawton + 5 peers from Regenerate Community Group in London – cycle ride ‘Rome2Home’ to raise funds to support the local community (£5,000).
o Enya Maylor + 3 peers from Birkheads Wild CIO – to participate in the Tall Ships Voyage to raise funds for their local community (£1,000), and
o Enisha Kane and Miya Sampson from Romero Action Youth Group – for an intergenerational community wellbeing project (£900).
Further information, guidance and an application form is available on the Foundation’s website. Please note that there are different types of application form dependent on whether an individual or group of young people are applying.
Applications may be made at any time, although it may be advisable to check with the Foundation first to see if it is in a position to award a grant.
The Administrator,
The Burns Price Foundation,
Forge House,
Shepton Mallet,