Help older people across Wales to make their voices heard

Help older people across Wales to make their voices heard
As I develop my Strategy and Work Programme, I’m keen to hear from as many older people as possible from across Wales to help shape the action I deliver.
I want to reach out as widely as possible to capture the voices and experiences of older people from a wide range of backgrounds and communities and I hope that you are able to help by sharing a short questionnaire (attached) with the older people you work with or support and encouraging them to get in touch with me to have their say.
Any support you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
To make this easier, we’ve developed a communications pack (also attached) which includes a variety of resources that we hope you find helpful.
If you would like any hard copies of the questionnaire to distribute to older people, which can be returned via freepost, please contact my office. The questionnaire can also be completed online here:
Older people who wish to share their views and ideas over the phone can also contact my team on 03442 640 670.
In addition to hearing from older people across Wales, I also want to hear from the organisations and stakeholders that work with and support them about the kinds of issues they are seeing and where action is needed to deliver improvements for older people.