Current Live Consultations & Engagement Projects

Stay informed and get involved with ongoing consultations and engagement projects in Powys.

Future Accommodation Choices for Older People in Powys

Objective: Identify what accommodation older people in Powys will need over the next 20 years to ensure their health, housing, and social care needs are met.

Closing Date: Thursday, 5 September 2024

Details and Participation: Visit Here


Home to School Transport Policy – Updated

Objective: Provide greater clarity for those wishing to access Home to School Transport.

Closing Date: Thursday, 12 September 2024

Details and Participation: Visit Here


Single Transferable Vote System

Objective: Explore the possibility of moving to the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system for local County Council elections in Powys.

Closing Date: Monday, 30 September 2024

Details and Participation: Visit Here

Sustainable Powys

Objective: Work with communities to review and improve services, ensuring they are stronger, fairer, and greener, while staying within the budget.

How to Get Involved:

  • Share ideas on the ideas board.
  • Add a pin and comment to the interactive map of Powys.
  • Contact your local Councillor.

Details and Participation: Visit Here