Coaching approaches to line management

To equip you with the knowledge, skills and tools needed to deliver a coaching approach to line management.
This course takes a practical approach to line management based on coaching techniques that offer both light (challenge) and warmth (support) in the relationship between manager and staff member or volunteer. You will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and tools to enable you to have a ‘coaching conversation’ that will be positive, empowering and effective. These are transferrable skills that can used in many different contexts.
Topics covered will include models of coaching, goal setting, active listening, asking insightful questions, giving feedback and building in challenge, building and sustaining wellbeing at work.
Day 1 – 10 December 2024
Day 2 – 11 December 2024
10 am – 4 pm | Cardiff
Delivered through the medium of English
2 x 6 hour sessions / classroom
Learning outcomes
By the end of the course participants will have learned/be able to:
- Use the skills and principles of coaching in line management
- Understand different models of coaching
- Use coaching skills confidently – goal setting, active listening, asking insightful questions, giving feedback and building in challenge
- Better understand how to empower people to take responsibility and make decisions for themselves
- Use coaching approaches in different work contexts e.g. supervision
- To implement strategies for building and sustaining wellbeing at work.
Who this course is for
This course is for managers at all levels of an organisation, including volunteer managers.
Course requirements
To ensure you have the best experience on our courses we ask the following of you;
- Commit to attend the full duration of the training
- Test your access to Zoom
- Training will commence promptly, please arrive 10 minutes prior to the start time, as late arrivals may not admitted
- Our courses are interactive and engaging and we request where possible, that all learners have camera’s on and participate via microphone and chat facilities
- Let us know upon booking if you have any specific requirements ie BSL interpreters
- Joining instructions and resources will be sent through LUMA our online booking app, please enable notifications from LUMA to be kept up to date
- If you are unable to attend please email (see our cancellation policy)