Child Poverty – Innovation and Supporting Communities grant

Grant fund to support innovation and collaboration on the issue of tackling child poverty.



To support organisations considering a bid for this grant we will hold Q&A workshops to answer questions on the process only.


3 workshops will be held via MS Teams on


  • 5 March 2:00p.m. – 3:00p.m. English language workshop
  • 12 March 10:00a.m. – 11:00a.m. English language workshop
  • 12 March 2:00p.m. – 3:00p.m. Welsh language workshop


If you are interested in attending a workshop, please notify us of your preferred date by sending an email to: –

An MS Teams link will be emailed to you before the event.


Child Poverty Innovation and Supporting Communities grant fund


This one-year grant has been developed to provide funding to enable innovation and collaboration between sectors and/or regional partnerships on the issue of child poverty. The grant is available to support public and third sector organisations (which includes faith groups) in their efforts to achieve the following:

  • Support organisations working together to enhance effective communication, joint working and knowledge transfer in responding to child poverty at the regional, local or community level.

Subject to agreement of the Welsh Government Budget 2025/26, the total amount available for distribution under this fund is anticipated to be £1,495,000. The grant funding will be split into two different pots:

  • Community and Local level – up to £25,000 available per successful application. Community – an area which is closely spatially located e.g. a town, a village, or neighbourhood, and Local – an area of multiple communities in geographical proximity to one another e.g. a local authority (county council or county borough council) or a broader area which may border more than one local authority.

  • Regional level – up to £125,000 available per successful application (Funding could support an area of more than one local authority (county council or county borough council) in a single geographical region area of Wales and/or within the footprint of an existing regional partnership. For example (but not limited to) a Public Service Board area, Corporate Joint Committee, Health Board or Regional Partnership footprint).

Further detailed guidance and the application form for this grant will be available shortly using the following link – Child poverty innovation and supporting communities grant | GOV.WALES


PLEASE NOTE – Until the launch date, the link above leads to a page containing summary details of the 24/25 grant.  On the grant launch date (early March 2025) the same page will be populated with full 2025/26 grant information