Bevan Commission launches IHI’s Silly Rules initiative in Wales – please take the short survey – have your say!

The Bevan Commission is undertaking an exciting project in partnership with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) to tackle ‘Silly Rules’ in health and social care across Wales.
Originally launched by the IHI, by Professor Don Berwick in 2016, the ‘Breaking the Rules for Better Care’ campaign identifies unhelpful rules and administrative barriers that waste time, frustrate staff and patients, and add no value to care. This initiative has become a global tool for driving improvements, reducing waste, and saving costs in healthcare.
We’re inviting health and social care staff to complete a short survey to highlight the ‘Silly Rules’ in their organisations. These are rules/ ways of working which you feel get in the way of providing good, safe, and efficient care, and could be changed to drive wide scale improvement. Patients’ perspectives will also be gathered through Llais. Following the survey period, we plan to share the learning with health and social care organisations to identify the impact potential changes could have, and work alongside leaders to find solutions to enable better and more efficient care.
For further information and to take the five minute survey please visit – Silly Rules – Bevan Commission.
Online brief and Q+A sessions available on 27 November and 10 December 4-5pm – book through Silly Rules – Bevan Commission.