Grants are available for up to £600 for individuals and £2,500 for small charitable organisations, including Community Interest Companies, in England, Scotland and Wales, for activities that help to improve the lives of older people and other adults with a physical or learning disability or mental health challenge.
o Application deadline: none – applications may be made at any time by application form.
o Funder: The Barchester Healthcare Foundation (Charity Commission registration: 2000. Charity number 1083272. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 31 December 2023: £221,000 (2022: £171,000; 2021: £147,000; 2020: £160,000)).
o Who can apply: smaller charitable organisations, including Community Interest Companies (CICs) and individuals in England, Scotland and Wales.
o Key words: Elderly/Older People, Disability, Learning Disability, Mental Health, Equipment, Loneliness. Social Isolation, Great Britain.
Barchester’s Charitable Foundation’s (also known as the Barchester Healthcare Foundation) mission is to make a difference to the lives of older people aged 65 and over and other adults with physical or learning disabilities or mental health challenges, by giving grants to help:
o Reduce isolation and loneliness.
o Promote group activities, and generally to
o Improve people’ s independence, mobility and quality of life.
Grants are intended to help small community groups and local charities with the following:
o Activity projects.
o Day trips, outings and group holidays in the UK.
o Equipment and materials for use by members, and
o Member transport.
The Foundation can provide grants of up to £600 for individuals and £2,500 for groups/charities in England, Scotland and Wales through its general grants scheme. It helps small community groups and local charities with activities, outings, equipment and materials for members/service users and individuals with mobility equipment for outdoor use.
Applications are invited where older people and disabled adults have direct needs and can propose practical solutions. Through its grants, the Foundation can provide direct assistance to named individuals and small groups rather than make contributions to running costs of organisations
During the year ended 31 December 2023, the Foundation awarded grants totalling £221,000 as follows:
1. Grants payable to individuals: 79 grants totalling £44,000 (2022: 79 grants totalling £38,000) were payable to individuals in the year. The grants were for a wide range of purposes: electric, sport, manual and folding wheelchairs, power packs and sport wheels for wheelchairs; walkers; trikes, handcycles and electric bikes; mobility scooters and car boot hoists.
2. Grants under £1,000 payable to charities and groups: there were 85 grants of under £1,000 payable to charities and groups, for a total of £49,000 (2022: 98 grants totalling £52,000). These include grants for equipment, materials, tools, craft, technology and exercise equipment; music, art, theatre, cookery, IT, nature, garden and living skills projects; craft, dance and exercise classes; social activities, workshops and special events; entertainment; transport, outings and residential camps.
3. Grants over £1,000 payable to charities and groups: there were 74 grants of £1,000 and over to charities and groups, which totalled £128,000 (2022: 48 grants totalling £81,000).
All grants of £1,000 and over are listed on pages 15 to 18 of the Foundation’s Annual Report.
Funding is not available for:
o Activities for residents in a care home operated by Barchester Healthcare or by any other care home company.
o Charities and groups with financial reserves of more than £100,000.
o Core/running costs or salaries or financial support to general projects.
o Daily living costs, such as rent, utility bills, and the repayment of debts.
o Indirect services such as help lines, newsletters, leaflets or research.
o Major building projects or large capital projects.
o Retrospective costs.
o Training of staff and volunteers, or
o Vehicles.
The Foundation meets every three months to review applications.
Further information, guidance and an online application form can be found on the Foundation’s website.