Case study – Powys Agricultural Welfare Support – ‘Farming Fit’
Since February 2024 some partners of the network have been developing a health & wellbeing drop in session project in partnership with Powys County Council Community
Health Protection & Wellbeing team and Powys Teaching Health Board called Farming. A prevention project taking health and wellbeing information to the agricultural sector via livestock markets and major agricultural events in Powys. The idea for this project was first discussed by the PAWS network over 18 months ago. We discovered a few months into our project planning discussions PCC & PTHB were also discussing a similar project so we agreed to join forces together to strengthen both projects and reduce duplication. We are delighted to say the partnership project went live at theRoyal Welsh Show in July.
The following services were on offer;
● Pulse check
● Blood Glucose
● Mental Health Support
● Blood Pressure Check
● Medical Signposting
● Lifestyle Assessment
● Carbon Monoxide Monitoring
Farming Fit does not provide an alternative primary care resource, but rather a health promotion intervention opportunity, should any needs be identified clients will be signposted
to the relevant professional. The project is manned by Clinical Nurse Specialist, Community Health Protection and Wellbeing Officers, PAVO Community Connector and the following 3rd sector organisation staff.
● Mid and North Powys Mind
● Ponthafren
● Mamwlad
● Lingen Davies Cancer Trust
All members of PAWS network have been invited to visit the stand and if capacity allows to stay and support the project. They are welcome to leave information leaflets on the stand for distribution to the public. A big thank you must go to
Lesley Cormelio - Farming Community Network, Jamie Burt, - Ponthafren and Sue Newham - PAVO who took this idea forward and explored options on behalf of the sector. Michael Crawshaw represents SaTH. Thank you must also go to our partners especially the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society. Dr Greg Langridge=Thomas (PCC) secured the support of the Council and the Health Promotion Team via a ‘Farming Fit’ academic paper.
Farming Fit - Powys County Council
Initial impact
During the four days of the show over 1100 checks were undertaken, with individuals undertaking 3 or 4 checks each. 20 individuals were advised to attend their GP for further
investigation. Individuals checked were from across the UK, not just Powys. All commented on a fabulous initiative. Third sector and PAVO reps were able to engage with families and individuals, especially when there was a queue!
The official launch was attended by people from all sectors. There was media coverage on ITV Cymru/Wales and S4C.
The RWAS were delighted and supportive, both in the location of the stand and publicity across the show. To quote the Chief Executive of the show ‘What can we do to support you
next year’
Visits to Livestock Markets
A programme of monthly visits to Welshpool, Builth and Brecon Markets is in place from August to December. Thirty individuals were checked at each event in August.
Also the ‘Farming Fit’ stand will attend the NSA Ram sale in Builth in September, and the
two day RWAS Winter Fair in November Requests have been received to attend YFC Farm Days, additional livestock markets and the
sector will need to consider in light of capacity the ability to attend.
An evaluation will need to be put in place to share with partners at Powys CC / Powys
Teaching Health Board / PAVO and the Third Sector.
It will be important to involve GPs and Mental Health Services