What is Powys Befriending Service?

Powys Befriending Service supports people over the age of 50, living in Powys, to help maintain their independence, improve confidence, develop their social network and reconnect with activities in the community or with a friendly cuppa and chat in their own home.


Befrienders provide:

  • Companionship for lonely, older people
  • Support to participate in social activities
  • Opportunities to build confidence and self esteem


What are the benefits of befriending?

  • Developing a wider social network
  • Engagement with the local community
  • Increased physical activity
  • Improved mental health and wellbeing

The service we offer

  • Face to face befriending in your own home or in a community setting
  • Telephone Befriending
  • Weekly video calls
  • Letter / email correspondence
  • Digital online befriending groups
  • Support to attend local groups or activities

View our latest Powys Befriending Service 2023-2024 Report 

Do you know someone who would benefit from this service?

Call 01597 822 191 for an informal chat, or email pbs@pavo.org.uk