The Electric Vehicle (Active Travel) grant supports community organisations to purchase electric vehicles (i.e. ecycle, ecars, eMPV’s - multipurpose vehicles and eMinibuses) to support the transition to the Welsh Government Net Zero emissions ambition and develop, expand and provide electric vehicle transport solutions which connect people living in local communities with places they travel to for everyday journeys, i.e. towns, villages, local facilities and transport links.
Who can apply
To be eligible for funding your organisation must be a third sector organisation with a constitution /set of rules and a bank account. Town and Community Councils can apply in partnership with a community organisation.
If you are not a constituted organisation, you will not be able to apply for funding, but please contact the Fund's officer to discuss options. We may be able to help you find another organisation locally that you can work with to submit an application.
Who cannot apply
Statutory bodies for example; local government, hospitals, schools.
If your organisation is a different structure to those listed here please contact us for further discussion.
What can be funded/eligibility
The total value of the fund is £400,000. Groups can apply for capital funding towards the purchase of electric vehicles - ecycles, ecars, empvs (multipurpose vehicles) and installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Points linked to the project.
The fund is primarily intended for new projects, but can support development of existing projects. You will need to explain clearly how project activities are additional to what you are already doing.
All projects must be based in Powys. Where projects have beneficiaries outside the county, such beneficiaries can only be a small proportion of those reached / engaged with by the project.
A commitment to provide sufficient charging infrastructure for the electric vehicle and /or have access to a reliable electric charging to meet the needs of their journeys. Off street parking linked directly to the project.
For larger awards you will need to demonstrate significant alignment with the Funds priority areas.
Priority will be given where organisations demonstrate:
- meeting an evidenced need in the local community and/or are community led
- work with community volunteers to deliver the project
- working collaboratively or in partnership with other organisations at a local level
- investment in capacity and infrastructure around sustainable transport at a local level for the local community
- engagement and inclusion of groups with protected characteristics, for example; disabled people
- have well established ways of working at a local level and solutions that will benefit local communities
- a clear consideration of environmental sustainability and the Welsh Government’s net zero ambitions
Proposed projects must contribute to the delivery of the Mid Wales Regional Investment Plan UK Shared Prosperity Fund 2022-25
What cannot be funded
Ongoing revenue (for example: maintenance, software, electricity costs, staffing)
Electric vehicle projects which duplicate an established electric vehicle project in the locality.
Retrospective funding
How to make an application
All applicants must contact the fund Development Officer to discuss their project. This enables us to discuss how your project fits in with the grant scheme aims and receive an application form, where applicable.
Successful applicants will be expected to work with PAVO's Welsh language development officer for 'the Active Offer', so they can integrate the Welsh Language into their activities.
The deadline for applications is : NOW CLOSED
Please contact Tanya Kirby; Development Officer to discuss your project eligibility and additionally where we can provide advice and guidance in support of the development of your application.
Projects must be completed with funds fully spent and monitored by the 30 November 2024.