Tailored and in house training

Do you need specific training tailored to the needs of your organisation?

Do you want one of our existing courses delivered in-house for your team?

Our Tailored Training programme is here to give you what you need, when and where you need it!

There are two tiers in our Tailored Training offer:

  • Existing Portfolio Courses, which have been designed to meet the needs of a range of organisations at different levels of experience, and which we can deliver for your team at a date and place convenient to you.
  • Fully Tailored Courses, which are designed to suit the background, motivations and learning needs of a particular cohort of participants.

The courses are pitched differently for different audiences, from our 'Essentials' courses, aimed at the new and emerging community groups to equip them with the core skills in a particular topic; to our 'Development' courses which take a more strategic view of topics to help embed skills and best practice in organisations.

There are also different length sessions for different contexts, which vary the depth to which each session can explore the topics:

  • Half-Day Workshop (of 3.5 hours); or
  • Full-Day Course (of 6 hours).
  • We can also offer 2-day course pairings that have some element of progression, taster sessions of up to 2 hours, or whatever other arrangement suits you.


Amongst the topics in our current Portfolio are:

  • Fundraising Applications & Strategy
  • Social Media & Marketing
  • Governing your organisation
  • Trustee Roles & Responsibilities
  • Recruiting and Managing Volunteers
  • Business & Strategic Planning