Active Offer

On this page:

What is the Active Offer?
What is the Active Offer Project?
What kind of support does the project offer?
The Toolkit and additional resources
The Active Offer Support Form
The Active Offer Project Launch Event


What is the Active Offer?

The Active Offer is providing a service in Welsh without someone having to ask for it.

The Active Offer Project

PAVO's Active Offer Development Officer Lliwedd Jones has been developing resources and tools to help organisations with the Active Offer. Through close consultation with the sector, a toolkit has been created to support organisations with implementing more Welsh language services.


What kind of support does the project offer?

Lliwedd Jones, the project's officer is actively supporting third sector organisations accross Powys to deliver more of their services in the Welsh language.

Through close consoltation with the sector, the project has been able to support organisations with:

- Drafting a Welsh language Action Plan

- Including the Active Offer in funding bids

- Referral to specialist organisations for Welsh language support

- Support with bilingual marketing and social media

- Awareness sessions on the Active Offer

- Follow-up sessions on the Active Offer

- Instructions on using the toolkit developed for the project

- Specialist advice on any enquiries Welsh language related

Click here to find out more about the Active Offer Package of Support.

Active Offer Support Form

Below is a link to an Active Offer Support Form.

Please complete the form to show your commitment to the Active Offer and the officer will be in touch to support your organisation with the step by step approach to provide services in Welsh without someone having to ask for it.

The Toolkit and Additional Resources

The Active Offer Information Pack

Get to understanding what the Active Offer is with this handy information booklet, and find out ways of getting started.

The PAVO Active Offer Phrasebook

Learn some handy Welsh phrases developed in consultation with the third sector. The phrasebook includes the Cymraeg, the phonetics for the Gymraeg, and the English translation.

Where are you now Checklist Ble ydych chi nawr?

Get to grips of where you're at regarding Welsh language within your organisation with this handy tool.

The Active Offer Flashcards

These handy few phrases make for a great start in delivering your services bilingually. Try a few over the phone!

Welsh phrases for Social Media

Use more of the Gymraeg in your updates to the sector!

More Welsh phrases for Social Media

Use more Cymraeg in your updates to the sector!

Active Offer Toolkit Explanation Videos

Dive a bit more in depth on how you can utilise these toolkits by watching this playlist of useful bilingual videos.