Being a Trustee
April 29 @ 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Being a trustee is a responsible voluntary role and one that comes with duties and responsibilities. This course will take you through the legal responsibilities you have when you are a trustee as well as your role and the responsibilities you have towards your organisation.
Understand what it means to be a trustee, who can be one and what roles and responsibilities trustees may have
• appreciate what trustees can be liable for, and know how to limit potential risks
• understand the principles of good governance, the roles of specific officers, and the difference between a trustee board and its subcommittees
• have an overview of what is needed for effective trustee recruitment and induction role
Suitable for new trustees, experienced trustees, and anyone who is interested in being a trustee
BOOKING FORM: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf8gO1WAxmY9L0GBBwaA0JEhmnaDnuT7YFE_bqo-JrtVSMvJQ/viewform