Helpu sefydliadau;
Gwella bywydau pobl

PAVO yw’r Cyngor Gwirfoddol Sirol ar gyfer Powys sy’n cefnogi’r trydydd sector ym Mhowys (mae’r trydydd sector yn derm ar gyfer amrywiaeth o sefydliadau gan gynnwys sefydliadau gwirfoddol a chymunedol, elusennau a chymdeithasau cofrestredig, grwpiau hunangymorth a grwpiau cymunedol, mentrau cymdeithasol, sefydliadau cydfuddiannol a chydfuddiannol). - gweithredwyr.)

Beth wyt ti'n edrych am

CCB a Chynhadledd Flynyddol PAVO
Cynhadledd a Chyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol PAVO 2024 7 Tachwedd 2024  10yb – 4.00yp Canolfan Gynadledda Cefn Lea, Y Drenewydd SY16 4AJ GWERTH Y TRYDYDD SECTOR POWYS Grymuso’r Gymuned:  Rhyddhau Gwerth Trydydd Sector Powys Hyderwn...
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Combat Fraud with Tarian
Are you fed up of fraudsters? Keep reading! Tarian, which means “Shield” in Welsh, is the Regional Organised Crime Unit (ROCU) established in 2003 by the three Southern Wales Police...
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Apply to Become a Governor at Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt NHS Foundation Trust
The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt NHS Foundation Trust (RJAH) is now inviting applications for its Council of Governors. As a Foundation Trust, RJAH has the flexibility to tailor its...
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The King’s Fund Annual Conference: Shaping the Future of Health and Care
The health and care system is facing profound challenges, yet there are compelling reasons for optimism. Innovative approaches to staff wellbeing and ground breaking efforts to address health inequalities are...
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Calling All 11-17 Year Olds for an Exciting Nature Experience!
Wild Skills Wild Spaces invites young people aged 11-17 to join Youth Taster Sessions in Welshpool. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the Severn Farm Pond Nature Reserve and...
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Barod i ymuno?

Mae PAVO yn sefydliad aelodaeth. Mae aelodaeth yn agored i bob mudiad a grŵp trydydd sector a Chynghorau Tref a Chymuned ym Mhowys, i gyd yn gweithio i gwrdd ag anghenion pobl a chymunedau ar draws Powys. Mae gennym dros 730 o sefydliadau sy'n aelodau a chyswllt rheolaidd â dros 1500 o sefydliadau.

Cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf

Cysylltwch â'n tîm

Llandrindod Wells Office
Unit 30
Ddole Road Industrial Estate
Llandrindod Wells
Newtown Office
Plas Dolerw
Milford Road
SY16 2EH
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