Grants are available for UK registered charities working in the UK and/or overseas in the areas of children’s welfare and education.

Application deadlinenone – applications may be made at any time in writing.
FunderThe Robyn Charitable Trust (founded 1988. Charity number 327745. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 5 April 2023: £66,480 (2022: £232,062)).
Who can applyUK registered charities working in the UK and/or overseas.
Key words: Children and Young People in Need, Education, Welfare, Overseas, United Kingdom.

Founded by the musician Mark Knoffler and his wife, the actress and writer, Kitty Aldridge Knopfler, in 1988, the Robyn Charitable Trust is a small grant-making charity that focuses its grant support on charities in the UK and overseas working in the areas of the welfare of children, particularly for the relief of need and education. The charity’s objectives are:

o To continue to support children in need of education anywhere in the world, and
o Any other charitable objectives at the discretion of the trustees.

The Trust doesn’t have a set minimum or maximum grant award levels. In the past, its grants have ranged from £100 to around £30,000. There appears to be no requirement for matched funding.

During the year ended 5th April 2023, the Trust awarded grants totalling £66,480 (2022: £232,062).

The Trust does not maintain a website or publish details of grant recipients in its annual accounts. However, grants have previously been made to:

o Malawi Against Aids.
o The Honeypot Charity.
o The One-to-One Children’s Fund, 
o The Teenage Cancer Trust.

Further information about the Trust is available on the Charity Commission website.

Applications may be made at any time in writing, addressed to:

The Trustees
The Robyn Charitable Trust
101 New Cavendish Street
1st Floor South