Grants, generally for under £3,000, are available to small and medium sized UK registered charities that are supporting children and young people, older people and people with a disability in the UK.
o Application deadline: none – applications may be made at any time in writing.
o Funder: The Misses Barrie Charitable Trust (founded 1979. Charity number 279459. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 5 April 2023: £174,600 (2022: £194,190)).
o Who can apply: UK registered charities working in the UK.
o Key words: Children and Young People, Older People, Disability, Arts, Culture, Health, Environment, Conservation, Sport, United Kingdom.
The Misses Barrie Charitable Trust, sometimes referred to by its previous name, the Misses Barrie Charity, is a discretionary grant-making charity with its offices in Dartmouth, Devon.
The Trust has a preference for making donations to small and medium sized charities. A small or medium sized charity is usually defined as any UK charitable organisation with an annual income of less than £1 million. 97% of charities in the UK are small or medium sized, sharing less than 20% of the money that goes to the charity sector. The Trust intends to continue to support a broad spectrum of charitable causes for the foreseeable future.
The Trust generally makes small grants of under £3,000 to a diverse range of registered charities across the UK, with a particular interest in supporting organisations working with children and young people, people with a disability and the elderly in the areas of:
o Arts and culture.
o Disability.
o Environment and conservation.
o Health and the saving of lives, and
o Sport.
During the year ended 5th April 2023, the Trust awarded 86 grants totalling £174,600 (2022: 88 grants £194,190). Grants made, which are listed on pages 13-16 of the Trust’s annual accounts, were a mixture of repeat and new grantees. The vast majority of grants were for £3,000 or under, augmented by the occasional higher award.
Please note that the Trust does not have a website. Further information is, however, available on the Charity Commission website.
The trustees meet twice each year to review applications.
Applications may be made at any time. Charities should include their most recent annual accounts or similar financial information with their letter of application.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Mrs Charlotte Carter
The Misses Barrie Charitable Trust
C/o Raymond Carter & Co Ltd
34 Victoria Road