Revenue grants of up to £50,000 are available to established UK registered charities working in the UK and//or overseas in the areas of health education, adult and child hospices, physical health, mental health and the relief of sickness.

Application deadlineSUNDAY 15th SEPTEMBER 2024 for the Board’s meeting on Wednesday 11th December 2024.
FunderThe James Tudor Foundation (founded 2004. Charity number 1105916. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 30 September 2023: £836,572 (2022: £741,980)).
Who can applyUK registered charities working in the UK and/or overseas that have been established for a minimum of 24 months and have an annual income of less than £20 million.
Key wordsHealth Education, Adult and Child Hospices, Physical Health, Mental Health, the Relief of Sickness, Overseas, United Kingdom.

The James Tudor Foundation is a Bristol-based grant-making charity with a principal object of the relief of sickness. The Foundation operates without geographic limitation but solely through UK registered charities. UK registered charities that are working overseas and seeking funding for overseas work must demonstrate compliance with the Charity Commission guidance on such work and any legal requirements. The Foundation’s charitable objectives are:

o The relief of sickness and the provision of financial assistance in any form to people suffering hardship or distress arising from age, ill health or infirmity of either themselves or any other person on whom they are dependent or who is dependent on them, or arising from the death of such persons, and
o The relief of sickness, poverty or the advancement of education, or any other charitable purpose.

The Foundation provides restricted grants to specific types of services. These are:

Health Education – in particular, the dissemination of knowledge about specific health conditions (conferences, dissemination of information, etc); and specialist training (upskilling of staff, etc).
International (please note that the Trustees will be reviewing the funding priorities for this programme in the autumn of 2024) – support for international projects run by UK registered charities and deployed in developing countries.
Palliative Care – adult and child hospices; salaries for teams working directly with patients (for example, nurses, doctors, and other healthcare practitioners); social care type assistance to help prepare for end of life, respite stays at the hospice; bereavement services for children who have been bereaved or for parents whose child has died, and
Relief of Sickness – the Foundation’s principal object is the relief of sickness. Both mental and physical health projects are supported.

Grants are normally for between £1,000 and £50,000. New applicants are, however, unlikely to receive a grant for more than £10,000. The vast majority of awards made are Small Grants of less than £15,000.

The following organisations are not eligible to apply:

o Charities that solely provide complementary, wellbeing, and counselling support for adults with cancer or other life-limiting illnesses.
o Community groups.
o Schools (including SEN schools).
o Search and rescue organisations.
o Universities and research institutions, 
o Hospital charities: Please note that, currently, the Trust is not accepting applications from hospital charities. The Foundation is reviewing its strategy on this point, and aims to have an update by December 2024.

In addition, the following services or project types are not eligible for support:

o Art and music therapy dedicated programmes are not eligible for support. However, if you use art and/or music therapy as part of your overall therapy provision, you are eligible to apply.
o Campaigning activities.
o Capital projects (new build or refurbishments).
o Complementary therapies.
o Entertainment activities.
o Funding that directly replaces statutory funding.
o General mental wellbeing support (please see the Foundation’s Relief of Sickness page for information about which mental health services we support).

o Humanitarian relief: The Foundation provides emergency and disasters relief support to The British Red Cross and or the DEC.
o Legal advice relating to health issues or conditions.
o Make-a-wish type activities for individuals with life-limiting conditions (e.g., gifts / holidays / special experiences, etc.).
o Personal care, transport, and shopping services for individuals affected by any condition.
o Respite holidays (although we do support respite care).
o Services to relieve social isolation / loneliness.
o Social care programmes (though we do support roles which provide an element of social care such as benefits advice, e.g., Youth and / or Family Support Workers).
o Sports and fitness activities (including accessible sports and fitness programmes for patient groups or people with disabilities). Please note that we do support specialist rehabilitation programmes (including specialist gyms, equipment, hydrotherapy, etc.).
o Support for carers in the UK (though we do support carers organisations working internationally).
o Support for specific professions.
o Therapies not routinely prescribed by the NHS.
o Training for staff to obtain individual accreditations or personal development (e.g., Master’s degrees, leadership courses, etc.).
o Wellbeing activities (including social and leisure activities and events, etc.).

The Foundation also will not consider:

o Projects where potential beneficiaries may be excluded on the basis of the Equality Act protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation).
o Projects specifically aligned to any political party.
o Core costs.
o Retrospective funding, 
o Applications from individuals.

The Foundation operates a 2-stage application process, consisting of an Expression of Interest followed by a Full Application (on invitation). The Foundation aims to process Expressions of Interest within 10 working days of receipt.

Applicants are advised to submit their Expression of Interest as early as possible in the grant round so that they have sufficient time to submit your Full Application by the relevant grant round deadline.

To access the Expression of Interest online form, you will need to complete the Eligibility Checker first.

Applicants are required to submit their Full Application by the deadlines set out below for your funding request to be considered at the corresponding Board meeting.

o Applications received between Wednesday 10th July 2024 and Sunday 15th September 2024 for consideration at the Foundation’s meeting scheduled for on Wednesday 11th December 2024.
o Applications received between Monday 16th September 2024 and Sunday 15th December 2024 for consideration at the Foundation’s meeting in March 2025 (date to be confirmed).

Contact details for the Foundation are:

The James Tudor Foundation
Suite 24,
Trym Lodge
1 Henbury Road
Westbury on Trym