
The Shared Prosperity Fund – Rebuilding Community Foundations in Powys Project 2024 Funded Projects
The Shared Prosperity Fund – Rebuilding Community Foundations in Powys Project 2024 saw a large number of applications.  and the panel successfully awarded the entirety of the £1,231,999.00 fund.  Each...
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Numeracy 3 – Making a Difference in Powys
Mae Rhifedd 3 – Gwneud Gwahaniaeth ym Mhowys yn gynllun grant y mae PAVO yn ei weinyddu. Mae’n rhan o’r £150,000 mewn ‘cyllid lluosog’ sydd hefyd yn ariannu cynllun grant...
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Recriwtio Mwy Diogel, Diwyddiad Cyflogaeth Diogel
Gwasanaeth Gwahardd Datgelu (GGD), Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru (CGGC), a Bwrdd Diogelu Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru yn falch o ddod â digwyddiad ar y cyd i chi i helpu i...
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Neurodivergence Code of Practice Development Survey
MeTime online sessions are tailored to support carers across the UK, offering valuable information on carers’ rights and promoting overall wellbeing. These sessions provide practical advice and holistic activities, ranging...
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