Iechyd a Lles

Mae Gwobrau Cymunedau Diogelach Cymru 2024 nawr ar agor ar gyfer enwebiadau
Ledled Cymru, mae Partneriaethau Diogelwch Cymunedol a phartneriaid eraill yn gweithio’n unigol a gyda’i gilydd fel bod pawb yng Nghymru yn teimlo’n ddiogel ac yn rhydd rhag ofn camfanteisio, trosedd...
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Mae Bwrdd Partneriaeth Rhanbarthol Powys yn recriwtio Aelod Cenedlaethol Gynrychioli Trydydd Sector
Mae Bwrdd Partneriaeth Rhanbarthol Powys yn y broses o recriwtio Aelod Cenedlaethol Cynrychioliadol Trydydd Sector. Mae hwn yn gyfle i unrhyw fudiad trydydd sector cenedlaethol fod yn rhan o’r broses...
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Celebrating 30 Years: Powys Living Well Service Press Release
Mae eleni’n nodi 30 mlynedd ers sefydlu Gwasanaeth Bywn Dda Powys, menter gofal iechyd a ddechreuodd yn 1994 mewn cydweithrediadag Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Guy a St Thomas, Llundain. Wedi i sefydlu...
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GSK IMPACT Awards 2025 – Application Deadline Approaching
The closing date for the 2025 GSK IMPACT Awards is fast approaching—applications must be submitted by Friday, 30 August, at 5:00 PM. Application Process: The awards follow a two-stage application...
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Hate Hurts Wales Victim Support Campaign
We are pleased to share the latest activity from the Hate Hurts Wales campaign. This year’s focus is on positioning Victim Support as a judgment-free organisation for individuals impacted by...
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Combat Fraud with Tarian
Are you fed up of fraudsters? Keep reading! Tarian, which means “Shield” in Welsh, is the Regional Organised Crime Unit (ROCU) established in 2003 by the three Southern Wales Police...
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Apply to Become a Governor at Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt NHS Foundation Trust
The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt NHS Foundation Trust (RJAH) is now inviting applications for its Council of Governors. As a Foundation Trust, RJAH has the flexibility to tailor its...
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The King’s Fund Annual Conference: Shaping the Future of Health and Care
The health and care system is facing profound challenges, yet there are compelling reasons for optimism. Innovative approaches to staff wellbeing and ground breaking efforts to address health inequalities are...
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Calling All 11-17 Year Olds for an Exciting Nature Experience!
Wild Skills Wild Spaces invites young people aged 11-17 to join Youth Taster Sessions in Welshpool. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the Severn Farm Pond Nature Reserve and...
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Explore the August Edition of the Bevan Commission Newsletter!
The August issue of the Bevan Commission newsletter is now available online. It features exciting updates, including the latest publications and a unique opportunity for a fully subsidized residential learning...
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Get Active with Let’s Go Powys!
Get Active with Let’s Go Powys!   A new initiative, Let’s Go Powys/Amdani Powys, has launched to help residents across Powys embrace a more active lifestyle. This pioneering project offers...
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Free Carbon Literacy Workshops for Businesses and Community Groups in Powys
The Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) in Machynlleth is excited to offer fully funded Carbon Literacy Certified courses for businesses, community groups, town and community councils, social enterprises, and other...
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Hearing Aid Maintenance, Battery Supply, Advice & Hearing Checks – Powys
Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) hearing aid user support service is funded by Powys Local Health Board and enables people to make the most of their hearing aids...
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Recommendation 4 Task and Finish Group Update from NHS Wales Joint Commissioning Committee
An update from Stephen Harrhy, Director of Commissioning Ambulance and 111: Dear Stakeholders, Following the completion of the Emergency Medical Retrieval and Transfer Services (EMRTS) Service Review, I want to...
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New Report Highlights the Crucial Role of Voluntary Sector in Welsh Health and Social Care
The Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) has released a pivotal new report emphasizing the essential contributions of the voluntary sector to health and social care in Wales. The report,...
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Views Sought on National Vision for Children and Young People with Learning Disabilities
Improvement Cymru is calling for feedback from children and young people with learning disabilities, as well as their caregivers, on their future health and wellbeing aspirations. The organisation aims to...
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Temporary Service Changes to Minor Injury Units and Inpatient Beds
The NHS across the UK, and locally in Powys, faces a number of challenges to maintain quality, safety, outcomes and financial sustainability for patients and communities. Waiting times for planned...
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Sesiynau MeTime: Hyfforddiant ar-lein am ddim a sesiynau gwybodaeth lles i ofalwyr.
Mae gan MeTime galendr o sesiynau hyfforddi a llesiant/gwybodaeth ar-lein rhad ac am ddim i ofalwyr ym mis Awst a mis Medi 2024. Maent i gyd yn sesiynau ar-lein rhad...
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Amser i Siarad Iechyd Cyhoeddus: Mai 2024 Canfyddiadau Arolwg Panel
Amser i Siarad Iechyd Cyhoeddus: Mai 2024 Canfyddiadau Arolwg Panel Mae Amser i Siarad Iechyd Cyhoeddus yn banel cenedlaethol o drigolion Cymru a sefydlwyd gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru i alluogi...
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Adroddiad Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Powys Ar Gael Nawr
Mae Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Powys yn cynnwys cynrychiolwyr o’r sectorau cyhoeddus a gwirfoddol lleol. Cynrychiolwyr y Trydydd Sector yw Cadeirydd PAVO Jamie Burt a Phrif Swyddog Gweithredol Clair Swales. Adroddiad-Cynnydd-Blynyddol...
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School Essentials Grant
Families with lower incomes who qualify for certain benefits can apply for a School Essentials Grant: £125 per learner £200 for learners entering year 7 (to help with increased costs...
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Versus Arthritis Online Information Session: Living with arthritis and weight management
Date and Time: Thursday, 18th July 2024 Online via Teams 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Event Details: An informative session on Living with Arthritis and Weight Management will be held,...
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Drafft Ymgynghori Agored – Blaenoriaethau ar gyfer Diwylliant yng Nghymru 2024 i 2030
Rydym yn chwilio am ymatebion i Flaenoriaethau ar gyfer Diwylliant 2024 i 2030. Mae’r ymgynghoriad Cymru’n unig hwn yn gwahodd eich barn ar flaenoriaethau arfaethedig ar gyfer diwylliant yng Nghymru....
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Ymatebion cymunedol i’r Argyfwng Costau Byw
  Annwyl gyfaill, Diolch am eich cefnogaeth yn gynharach eleni pan roeddem ni’n cynnal ein hymchwil i ymatebion cymunedol i’r Argyfwng Costau Byw. Fe wnaeth eich cymorth ein galluogi i...
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Mae Coginio’n Cyfrif
Yn dilyn cais llwyddiannus i Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin y DU, mae Cyngor Sir Powys yn cynnal cwrs coginio a rhifedd newydd i bobl pedair ar bymtheg oed a hŷn.  Mae...
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