Apply to Become a Governor at Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt NHS Foundation Trust

The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt NHS Foundation Trust (RJAH) is now inviting applications for its Council of Governors. As a Foundation Trust, RJAH has the flexibility to tailor its health services to better meet community needs. Elected Governors play a crucial role in representing the views of the community and guiding the development of our services.

Available Positions:

  • Public: Shropshire – 1 vacancy (3-year term)
  • Public: North Wales – 1 vacancy (3-year term)
  • Public: Powys – 1 vacancy (3-year term)
  • Public: West Midlands – 1 vacancy (3-year term)
  • Public: Rest of England and Wales – 1 vacancy (3-year term)
  • Staff – 1 vacancy (3-year term)

For more information about the role and the application process, please press here.