A Balanced Approach to Living Well in Powys.

Harmony & Balance sessions are available for Powys County

Council Social Care colleagues, unpaid carers and third sector
colleagues. These sessions have no charge and are virtually

delivered via Teams.

Nikki Thomas-Roberts, from Phoenix Mindful Living will guide
you during your three hour session through an introduction to
self-care and self-compassion. Utilising tools, resources and
learning skills of compassion based mindfulness with the aim of
“restoring balance and harmony and living with more ease”.

All group sessions will be run from 1.30-4.30pm, on the following
dates: February 7th, 21st, March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, April 9th, 30th
and May 7th, 14th.

There are one-to-one sessions available, these cover the same
topics over one-and-a-half hours and can be delivered via teams
or phone call.

To Book: Click Here

For more information: Click Here

To View PDF: Click Here

To Email: powys.od@wales.nhs.uk