o THE ASHLEY FAMILY FOUNDATION – the Foundation’s areas for funding are arts, crafts and education for the benefit of all persons but in particular those who are isolated or most in need in their community. Applications are open to registered charities based in and working with people in Wales. Particular interest is taken in applications with a sustainability and environmental focus. The Foundation will provide revenue (capital projects are not supported) grants of up to £10,000 for projects that comply with the following values: (1) Wales – the Foundation’s roots are in Wales and it continues to be the main funding priority. The Foundation especially look to maintain strong links with communities in mid Wales; (2) Arts – the Foundation is keen to fund good small-scale arts projects and it will support organisations that provide a wide range of educational and creative activities, including painting, illustration, design, textiles, music, dance, theatre, film and photography; (3) Crafts – the Foundation supports crafts, particularly those that include heritage skills that are at risk of being lost and contemporary craft skills; (4) Education – grants are also available for education in the arts, crafts, sustainability and the environment, for people from Wales studying in either Wales or England; (5) Rural – the Foundation is especially interested in projects that open up opportunities in areas where it might not otherwise exist and that help alleviate the isolation and other hardships that can affect rural communities; (6) Community –projects that bring people together, to help each other out and make their community a better, more joyful place; (7) Sustainability – the Foundation is interested in applications making a positive environmental impact in their community, and (8) Small Charities – the Foundation has an affinity with small charities, the ones set up by people who are driven by the desire to help better the lives of those around them. The next deadline for applications is Monday 31st March for the Foundation’s July meeting. Further information is available on the Foundation’s website.
THE WOODROFFE BENTON FOUNDATION SMALL GRANTS PROGRAMME – Grants of between £500 and £2,500 are available to smaller UK registered charities working in the areas of the relief of hardship, education and young people, physical wellbeing, care for the elderly and the environment & conservation, and in particular initiatives that Improve the quality of life and social engagement for older people. o Application deadline: MONDAY 31st MARCH 2025 (programme opens on Saturday 1st March 2025). The Woodroffe Benton Foundation supports smaller UK registered and exempt charities with an annual income of under £750,000 that are providing services in the UK in a range of areas. It is particularly interested in providing core funding, as well as support for specific projects, and in giving support to smaller charities where a modest grant is likely to be of greater benefit. The Foundation’s next Small Grants Programme funding round opens on Saturday 1st March 2025 with a deadline for applications of Monday 31st March 2025. The funding round has a focus on projects that “allow young people aged 18-25 to engage with the natural environment in order to increase employability skills and/or to increase physical health or wellbeing with particular preference given to those who are precluded from engaging with the natural environment due to disability, disadvantage or location”. The Foundation does not fund larger charities, branches of national organisations or individuals. Its specific areas of interest are support for: o Education and youth development UK registered charities with an annual income of under £750,000 may apply for a one-off grant of between £500 and £2,500. There is no specific requirement for matched funding. During the year ended 2nd December 2023 the Foundation awarded grants totalling £383,250 (2022: £239,200; 2021: £344,725; 2020: £308,566). Details of some of the Foundation’s principal beneficiaries can be found on its website. Funding is not available for: o Animal welfare organisations whose primary purpose is not conservation of the environment except for those that help the survival of wild species in the UK. Further information, guidance and details about how to apply is available on the Foundation’s website. The deadline for applications is Monday 31st March 2025 for the trustee’s meeting on Wednesday 23rd April 2025. |