Revenue grants of up to £10,000 are available for charitable organisations and universities in and outside the UK for projects that aim to make the world a safer place, particularly where this relates to transport and engineering research and education.
o Application deadline: MONDAY 19th MAY 2025 at 23:59.
o Funder: The Lloyd’s Register Foundation (founded 2011. Charity number 1145988. Total charitable expenditure for the year ended 30 June 2023: £550,107,000 (2022: £599,864,000 (2021: £360,495,000)).
o Who can apply: charitable organisations and universities in the UK and outside the UK. Individuals may also apply to the Foundation’s Small Grants programme.
o Key Words: Research, Learning, Knowledge Exchange, Transport, Engineering, Design, Manufacturing, Construction, Public Education, Overseas, United Kingdom.
The Lloyd’s Register Foundation’s Small Grant programme provides revenue grants of up to £10,000 to charitable organisations and universities inside and outside the United Kingdom for projects that have the overarching aim of making the world a safer place, by:
1. Initiating, building and/or consolidating partnerships with a range of organisations in relevant sectors (for example, policy, practitioner, industrial, commercial and community), and/or
2. Testing out ideas through pilot studies, proof of concept projects or activities targeting policy, business and the Third Sector.
The Foundation’s Small Grants programme will consider applications that:
o Relate to its charitable mission of:
(a) Securing, for the benefit of the community, high technical standards of design, manufacture, construction, maintenance, operation and performance for the purpose of enhancing the safety of life and property, at sea, and on land and in the air, and
(b) The advancement of public education including within the transportation industries and any other engineering and technological disciplines.
o Have the potential to lead on to future collaborations, clear knowledge exchange or to create/accelerate impact, and
o Projects or activities lasting no more than 12 months.
The maximum revenue grant available through the Small Grants programme is £10,000. The Foundation considers itself a ‘value-for-money’ grant provider and therefore will expect applicants to have sought and secured matched funding towards their project. Matched funding can include ‘in-kind’ contributions.
During the year ended 30th June 2023, the Foundation awarded grants totalling £10,014,000.
Details of all grant recipients can be viewed on pages 70-72 of the Foundation’s Annual Report.
Funding is not available for:
o Business or first-class travel.
o Capital works or projects.
o Elements or components of already funded projects.
o Infrastructure.
o Lobbying or campaigning.
o One-off events, conferences or activities which only directly benefit the applicant.
o Retrospective funding.
o School, college or university fees, or
o Work or activities that are outside the Foundation’s mission.
Further information, guidance and details about how to apply is available on the Foundation’s website. Please note that registration is required in order to access the Foundation’s flexi-grant application portal.
The next deadline for applications is 11:59pm on Monday 19th May 2025. There will be a further application window in the autumn of 2025.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
The Lloyd’s Register Foundation
71 Fenchurch Street
Email: grants@lrfoundation.