Positive Risk Assessment Training

There are places available on the Positive Risk Assessment training provided by Keith Jones via TEAMS online.

Please book your place via email to practice.development@powys.gov.uk

23rd April 2025, 9.30am – 4.30pm


To support practitioners and carers with Positive risk taking with the identification of potential benefit or harm. To enable risk assessment to be drawn up and assessed that identify harm and risk and how this can be supported positively.

Course content:

  • Discuss the importance of encouragement and supporting people in positive risk taking to achieve personal change or growth.
  • Determine how to utilise a strengths-based approach to enable individuals to meet their stated well=being outcomes.
  • Balance the duty of care with the individual’s right to take risks.
  • List the values and principles underlying positive risk taking.
  • Consider the barriers to positive risk taking.
  • Describe the strategies that support positive risk taking.