Llais Position Statement Time for urgent action on emergency care in Wales

LlAIS believe in a healthier Wales where people get the health and social care services they need in a way that works best for them. We are here to understand your views and experiences of health and social care, and to make sure your feedback is used by decisionmakers’ to shape your services. We seek out both good and bad stories so we understand what works well and how services may need to get better. And we look to particularly talk to those whose voices are not often heard. We also talk to people about their views and experiences by holding events in your local communities or visiting you wherever you’re receiving your health or social care service. We also work with community and interested groups and in line with national initiatives to gather people’s views. And when things go wrong we support you to make complaints. There are 7 Llais Regions in Wales. Each one represents the “patient and public” voice in different parts of Wales.
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