An introduction to data protection for the voluntary sector
3 December 2024
9.45 am – 12.45 pm | Online
Delivered through the medium of English
1 x 3 hour session / online
This half day course will provide you with key information about UK Data Protection legislation including the EU & UK GDPR, providing you with an awareness of data protection and its impact on your role.
We have experienced significant changes in data protection laws with the UK & EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. Given the substantial impact and the role that data has in both our personal and professional lives, GDPR provides a set of laws designed to ensure that the highest standards of data protection are at the heart of your operations. This course will help those involved with the handling of people’s information to be able to adopt compliant practices within their organisation.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the session you will be able to:
- Use key Data Protection terminology with confidence
- Understand the data protection principles
- Use the information to perform your role in a way that is compliant with the legislation
- Explain how to draft a privacy notice
- Describe the main reasons why charities have been fined by the regulator
Who this course is for
This course is intended for all staff who handle personal data as part of their day-to-day role. This could be data protection leads, and for anyone with a general interest in data protection.
Emma Waldron – MCIPS Chartered, AMBCS
Emma is a Chartered Institute of IT (BCS) accredited GDPR Practitioner and has worked closely with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to help prepare organisations for the GDPR. She is also a chartered procurement and supply professional with MCIPS and provides general advice and guidance on procurement to charities, voluntary groups and social enterprises in Wales.
Course requirements
To ensure you have the best experience on our courses we ask the following of you;
- Commit to attend the full duration of the training
- Test your access to Zoom
- Training will commence promptly, please arrive 10 minutes prior to the start time, as late arrivals may not admitted
- Our courses are interactive and engaging and we request where possible, that all learners have camera’s on and participate via microphone and chat facilities
- Let us know upon booking if you have any specific requirements ie BSL interpreters
- Joining instructions and resources will be sent through LUMA our online booking app, please enable notifications from LUMA to be kept up to date
- If you are unable to attend please email (see our cancellation policy)
Find out more here.