Grants of up to £1,000 are available for UK community-groups and organisations to run their own science activities during British Science Week 2025 (Friday 7th to Sunday 16th March 2025), particularly where such activities engage hard-to-reach sectors of UK society.

Application deadlineTUESDAY 5th NOVEMBER 2024 at 4:59pm.
o FunderThe British Association for the Advancement of Science (founded 1831. Charity number 212479. Total charitable expenditure for the year ended 31 March 2023: £6,899,255 (2022: £5,128,660; 2021: £2,966,259)).
o Who can apply: UK registered charities, community and voluntary groups, including special educational needs, additional support needs, hospital and supplementary schools, as well as English as a Second Language groups. Please note that events or activities with school groups are not eligible unless the school in question is a special needs school. Schools and colleges can only apply to the Kick Start Grants, which offers grants of up to £400.
o Key Words: Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths, Outreach, especially. to hard-to-reach groups, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic, Women and Girls, Rural Communities, Disadvantaged People, Physical Health, Mental Health, Special Needs, British Science Week, United Kingdom.

The British Association for the Advancement of Science (BSA) offers grants of up to £1,000 for UK community-based groups and organisations to run their own science activities during British Science Week, which takes place annually each March. British Science Week in 2025 is scheduled to take place between Friday 7th March and Sunday 16th March 2024.

The aim of British Science Week is to reach out and expand audiences that engage with science and self-identify as having an interest in science, particularly where this concerns hard-to-reach sectors in UK communities who tend not to be involved in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) activities.  The BSA particularly wants to engage with people from the following under-represented groups:

o Girls and women.
o People from ethnic minorities.
o People living in a remote and rural location, defined as settlements of less than 10,000 people.
o People with a physical or mental health condition or impairment, 
o People with low socio-economic status (SES), including people disadvantaged in terms of education and income.

The following grants are available:

1. Grants of up to £500 to run one or more events during British Science Week.
2. Grants of up to £1,000 to run one or more events during British Science Week, as well as follow-up activities that will lead to continued engagement once British Science Week has ended.

Matched funding is not a requirement for this programme.

Please note that schools and colleges can only apply to the Kick Start Grants, which offers grants of up to £400. Please refer to the Community Grants guidelines for details on special education needs schools and other educational groups who can apply to the Community Grants scheme.

Grants can be used for such things as (please note that this is not an exclusive list):

o Materials.
o Project specific staff costs.
o Publicity and promotion.
o Room hire.
o Speakers.

o Transport, and
o Volunteer expenses.

The BSA has provided a number of examples of the type of projects that could be supported, including:

o Science exhibitions in places of worship, community gardens, libraries and public houses.
o Science research projects and experiments with youth clubs and groups with special educational needs.
o Scientifically-informed theatre productions and art activities, 
o Sports science sessions with sports clubs.

Funding is not available for:

o Costs that are already covered by other funding.
o Events or activities with school groups unless they are a special needs school.
o General running costs and overheads.
o Large, competition prizes.
o Non consumable equipment such as laptops, 
o On-going salary costs.

Further information, guidance and an online application form can be found on the British Science Week website.

The deadline for applications is 4:59pm on Tuesday 5th November 2024.

Contact details for the fund are:

BSW Grant Enquiries
The British Association for the Advancement of Science (BSA)
Wellcome Wolfson Building
165 Queen’s Gate