Grants of up to £40,000 are available to registered charities in England and Wales with an annual turnover of less than £5 million whose focus is primarily on providing support and opportunities for deaf people.
o Application deadline: WEDNESDAY 31th JULY 2024.
o Funder: The Forrester Family Trust (founded in 2020 as a merger of the Donald and Gwyneth Forrester Trusts. Charity number 1190231. Total value of all grants awarded during the year ended 31 March 2023: £1,561,555 (2022: £1,379,266)).
o Who can apply: registered charities in England and Wales with an annual income of under £5 million.
o Key words: Deaf, Hearing Impaired, Wales, England
The Forrester Family Trust supports excellent smaller charities to unlock change for people facing significant disadvantage.
The Trust will award grants according to the following four priorities.
1. Improve the quality of life of individuals and families:
o The Trust will have a broad view of what quality of life means and the range of ways in which quality of life can be improved. It will look for interventions in places where people and communities are face by multiple disadvantages, and target its giving in the gaps between state provision and the commercial sector.
2. Invest in well run organisations. Grants will be made to charities:
o That are able to articulate the difference they will make (either through a formal Theory of Change or by answering the application questions).
o With a track record of doing good work or with a fantastic new idea, and
o Who file their accounts on time and can demonstrate good governance.
3. Ensure grant-making rigour. The Trust will:
o Set clear criteria that are widely communicated, in good time and review these annually.
4. Give with confidence. The Trust will:
o Use research and acquired understanding to confidently invest.
o Accept that not all grants will have the desired effect and seek to understand the reasons for that, and
o Take a measured risk with the limited resources.
The Trust’s theme for the year ending 31st March 2025 is supporting charities which focus primarily on providing support and opportunities for deaf people.
Grants up to a maximum of £40,000 are available to charities with a turnover of less than £5 million.
The Trust has £600,000 available to distribute for its themed round this financial year.
Details of all grants awarded by the charity during the year ended 31st March 2023 can be found on pages 20-24 of the charity’s annual accounts.
Further information, guidance and a short application form is available on the Trust’s website.
Applications to the Trust’s themed round for the 2024/25 financial year opened on Monday 1st July 2024 with a deadline of Wednesday 31st July 2024.