Open Consultation Draft – Priorities for Culture in Wales 2024 to 2030

We are seeking responses to Priorities for Culture 2024 to 2030. This Wales only consultation invites your views on proposed priorities for culture in Wales. There are 3 priorities, supported by 20 more detailed ambitions, which set out long-term priorities for culture. We use the word culture as short-hand for the activity of the arts, museums, archives, libraries and historic environment sectors in Wales. The development of these priorities has been guided by the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act’s 5 sustainable ways of working: long-term, prevention, integration, collaboration, and involvement. An Easy-Read version of the priorities, a British Sign Language (BSL) introduction and summary and a Young Person’s guide to the priorities are also available.

Consultation launched: 23 May 2024

Consultation ends: 4 September 2024